Yes. I’m a complete qualified and insured, as an aesthetics and health practitioner, registered and recognised with the IPHM AND CPD. I’m also a trained and practicing paramedic. My in-depth knowledge of medicine, anatomy and physiology gives me a unique perspective on skin structure. You should always ensure a fully qualified health practitioner like me carries out your treatment. It’s important you know your skin is in safe hands.
When you decide to go ahead with a treatment or procedure, you’ll likely be feeling positive and looking ahead to increased self-confidence.
We will always ensure that you feel fully supported before, during and after your treatment, whether that’s more information to take away, a phone call from your clinic manager or practitioner or simply time to think about whether you want to have further treatment.
Our test finder helps you to find the right test for you based on questions like your age, health concerns or areas of interest.
Fill out the about who you are, whether you have a diagnosed condition and your health interests to see your recommended tests.
If you’re still unsure or would like to speak to a member of our team on 0330 043 2404
There are lots of health benefits from eating a plant-based or vegan diet, but there is a risk that you may become low or deficient in some vitamins and minerals.
Our Nutrition Blood Test is recommended for vegans, as it covers the main nutrients that can be low in a vegan diet.
The main nutrients to watch:
Iron: iron is found in meat (heme iron) and plants (non-heme iron) but heme iron is easier for your body to absorb so meat eaters tend to have higher levels. Iron deficiency anaemia is common in menstruating women because of their monthly blood loss. Endurance athletes can also be low in iron. Although you should be able to get all the iron you need in a plant-based diet, if you fall into a group that is at risk of low iron, then you should make sure you are regularly tested. The Nutrition Blood Test tests for ferritin which is a measure of your body’s iron stores.
Vitamin D: vitamin D comes from the food we eat and from the action of sunlight on our skin. Sources of vitamin D include oily fish, egg yolks and mushrooms but it is difficult to get all the vitamin D we need from our food. Meat eaters and vegans are both at risk of low vitamin D because of the lack of sunshine in the UK. Regular vitamin D testing is recommended for both groups.
Vitamin B12: vitamin B12 is almost exclusively found in animal products (it comes from bacteria in soil and is made in their guts) so vegans can be at risk of low B12 if they do not supplement. Many plant milks and vegan foods are now fortified with vitamin B12 so the risk of low B12 is not as high as it once was. However, it is an important vitamin for vegans to monitor as low B12 can lead to anaemia and nerve damage.
Eating a plant-based diet can have a positive impact on cholesterol levels and inflammation; the Nutrition Blood Test also includes tests for both.
If you’re still unsure or would like to speak to a member of our team on 0330 043 2404
Taking PEDs and AASs can have a significant impact on your health as well as your hormone balance. Making sure that you are monitoring your health and hormones, and acting if you can see that your results are becoming unhealthy is an important part of reducing the harmful effects of AAS use.
Our Ultimate Blood Test was designed with athletes and PED users in mind – we offer them with the aim of keeping you safe. They all check for important markers of health that can be negatively impacted by PED use.
Important health measures include:
Red blood cells: taking anabolic steroids can cause you to produce more red blood cells making your blood thicker and more prone to clotting. This raises your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Liver function: liver inflammation is commonly seen, especially if steroids are taken orally. Inflammation causes liver enzymes to leak into the blood where they can be measured. Please be aware that steroid use can be causing liver damage even before your enzymes are elevated.
Kidney function: although there may be no direct effect on the kidneys, elevated blood pressure (which is commonly seen with PED use) can cause kidney damage. The combination of steroid use and high protein intake can also put pressure on kidney function.
Cholesterol: taking steroids can increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol and markedly reduce your HDL (protective) cholesterol. This increases your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Hormones: depending on whether you are on or off cycle, your testosterone levels can fluctuate wildly. It is extremely common for steroid users to have supra-normal levels of testosterone, even above the range that many laboratories will test for. All our sports hormone checks will dilute any testosterone result over 52 nmol/L to get an accurate reading. Other hormones which are also affected by IPED use include oestradiol, prolactin, FSH and LH. Your hormones can affect not only your physical appearance but also your mood, libido and your fertility.
Please give our practitioner as much information as you can so that they can offer the best advice from the doctors on our panel. You will be given the opportunity to do this at the point of consultation. Please note that we will not offer any advice about protocol – our tests are intended to highlight when you are causing harm to yourself.
Vita Health Clinic Ltd 2023. Company registered number: 15275009. Registered Address: 22a Park Road, Bingley, West Yorkshire, BD16 4JD
Financial Conduct Authority, registration number 978517. Credit is subject to status.
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